关于「 Wu Jie」的内容列表

Wu Jiezhuang will propose a proposal at the two sessions: It is recommended to improve the circulation mechanism of digital assets and apply blockchain to build an information encryption system

According to Wen Wei Po, Wu Jiezhuang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, will submit several proposals at the upcoming National Two Sessions in March. The proposals include improving the circulation mechanism of digital assets to promote the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy. The proposal also proposes the use of blockchain technology to build an information encryption system to combat cross-border telecommuni...

2025-02-12 09:06:34
Wu Jiezhuang: Virtual banks should increase diversified services, and Hong Kong should establish a virtual asset bank as soon as possible

On August 9, Wu Jiezhuang, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, posted on social media: "HKMA released a report on virtual banking earlier. I appreciate the support of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government for the upgrading of banking services and the development of virtual banks in the past few years, but at the same time my team made an opinion on Web3's use of banking services in Hong Kong. The survey revealed that Web3 had difficulty opening accounts.

2024-08-09 07:32:56
Wu Jiezhuang: Hong Kong Legislative Council plans to read the new law on stablecoins and over the counter at the end of the year or early next year

On July 29, Wu Jiezhuang, a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said that Interpol issued a red notice for Huang Zhengjie and Mo Junting, believing that the police must have found a lot of evidence to prove the role played by the people involved in the case, and also prove that the blockchain and the Internet are not extrajudicial places, and fraudsters must be brought to justice. He also pointed out that the warrant is not a simple...

2024-07-29 07:31:36
List of important developments at noon on July 28

7:00-12:00 Keywords: Wu Jiezhuang, Foundry, Kabosu 4. The total market value of stablecoins fell slightly by 0.11% in the past week; The 2025 Bitcoin Conference will be held in Las Vegas. 2. In the past 24 hours, the whole network exploded 178 million US dollars, and the main explosion was multiple orders; 7. Wu Jiezhuang: In the future, bitcoin will be considered for inclusion in strategic financial reserves. 5. Messari: The number of DAU addresses in Polygon increased by 47.6% in the second qu...

2024-07-28 04:02:45
Wu Jiezhuang: Seeking development opinions from the industry to promote Hong Kong as a global Web3 hub

On June 22, a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Ng Kit-chuang, said that in order to promote the development of Web3 and virtual assets in Hong Kong, the Legislative Council has earlier established a Subcommittee on Web3 and Virtual Asset Development. We are now soliciting opinions from the global industry to put forward policy recommendations and thematic discussions on the future development direction of the industry. Proposals will be studied an...

2024-06-22 06:59:03

7x24 快讯

12:29 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,美国稳定币法案 GENIUS ACT 将于下个月在参议院迎来关键时刻,因为白宫拟于 4 月将稳定币法案提交参议院审议,据悉特朗普总统的数字资产工作组敦促参议院领导人将该法案提出辩论,该立法为支付稳定币(与美元挂钩的加密货币)建立了监管框架,于 3 月 13 日以 18 票对 6 票成功通过参议院银行委员会,标志着...
12:29 2025-03-24
据 HODL15Capital 监测,在持有比特币的前 70 名公司榜单中,上周有 5 家公司增持了比特币,增持数量为 7,349 枚。排名前 70 的公司共持有 670,153 枚比特币。
12:14 2025-03-24
加密卡发行商 Rain 宣布完成 2450 万美元融资,Norwest Venture Partners 领投,Galaxy Ventures、Goldcrest、Thayer 和 Hard Yaka 参投。加密卡发行商 Rain 发行支持客户以稳定币结算付款的借记卡和信用卡。
12:11 2025-03-24
Strategy BTC持仓突破50万枚
Strategy BTC持仓突破50万枚,当前为506,137枚,价值约合443.37亿美元。Strategy收购价格约为每比特币66,608美元,收购成本约为331亿美元,浮盈超112亿美元。
12:05 2025-03-24
11:50 2025-03-24
两中国公民因涉嫌加密货币诈骗在泰国被捕,涉案金额约合 1770 万美元
3月24日消息,泰国警方逮捕了两名涉嫌加密货币诈骗和绑架的中国公民。警方在芭堤雅一处豪华别墅逮捕了 27 岁的吴迪(音译)和其男友 29 岁的周宗永(音译)。 调查显示,吴迪通过 Facebook 诱骗受害者投资虚构的新加坡元投资基金,仅在过去两个月就骗取超过 6 亿泰铢(约合 17...
11:37 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,支持加密货币的交易投资平台 eToro 宣布,英国和欧洲的用户现在可以将其他交易所、经纪商或其他区块链钱包中持有的加密资产转移到 eToro 加密钱包,在那里他们可以将其持有的加密资产转换为现金,以便在 eToro 的投资平台上跨多种资产类别进行交易和投资。据悉,符合条件的 eToro 用户在外部钱包或交易所持有比特币或以太坊,可以将这...
11:19 2025-03-24
11:19 2025-03-24
11:07 2025-03-24
10:58 2025-03-24
OKX 即将上线 PARTI (Particle Network) 现货交易
3月24日消息,据官方公告,OKX即将上线 PARTI (Particle Network) 现货交易。据悉,Particle Network 是 Web3 领先的链抽象基础设施。其核心技术 Universal Accounts 解决了用户、数据和流动性在多链之间的碎片化问题,为用户提供一个在所有链上通用的账户与余额。 具体时间安排如下: 开放充币时间:2025 年 3 月 24 日下午 6:00 (UTC+8) 集合竞价时间:2025 年 3 月 25 日下午 8:00 至 9:00 (UTC+8) 现货开盘时间:2025 年 3 ...
10:55 2025-03-24
据 OnchainLens 监测,过去一小时内,不丹政府向 3 个新钱包转移了 721.46 枚$BTC,价值约 6324 万美元。